Female Elf Rogue 3
Alya's lithe frame and nimble fingers make her ideal for the life of a thief. Her elven heritage kept her on the straight and narrow and instilled in her the desire to learn. She has moved to Cauldron to use these traits as an explorer and guide.

Max The Spear
"Who Stabs You in the Face"
Male Human Fighter 3
Max was born to be a fighter. He tried his luck at the city guard but ultimately to was too boring and he was unable to stand out. He has now taken up adventuring so he can prove himself to his family and his spear.

Female Half-elf Soulknife 3
Tia has the unique ability to use the strength of her mind to forge a weapon made of pure thought. She tried to apply this skill by being a body guard but after one small failure she was black listed. She now plans to prove everyone wrong by joining a small adventuring group and protecting the city, whether they like it or not.

Breton the Haunted
Male Elven Cleric of Wee Jas 3
Breton began having "the dreams" at a young age. Terrible visions of evil and death. They became so bad that Breton can no longer reach the reverie that elves enjoy. He now follows the teachings of Wee Jas hoping to understand death and how it relates to his dreams.

Female Gnome Bard 3
Luna's family comes from the remote town of Cauldron. Feeling stifled by the small town as soon as she was old enough she went out to experience the world. She has now returned to her home town to make a name for herself.

Bran Calidore
Male Human Wizard 3
Bran's training in magic got cut short when his uncle made him leave the town of Red Gorge. Now in Cauldron he has resumed his training and is trying to make money adventuring so he can bring his fiance to the city.

Female Half-elf Duskblade 3
Tanna has spent her life trying to not only blend her two heritages but also the skills of both her elven mother and human father. In turn she uses a sword just as effectively as she wields magic.